Hello Púca's, Good morning from Ireland. As we all respect & monitor the Corvid updates no dates have been announced for the Health & Safety of everyone, & with this we also want to keep connecting with you. We cant film what we want to start bringing you but to keep you going we are trying where possible to bring you new content so yesterday & within all safety guidelines & regulations a team member went to a local Heritage site in County Kerry Ireland yesterday called, Muckross Abbey in our National Park & our team member followed all safety regulations as guided. The fresh new photos have been posted on our Facebook just follow our Facebook link on the website. We hope you like them. Our team member also did a little phone video not very fun but something for you to see the Abbey & we hope to take another this week. Stay Safe & Be Kind little Púca Vogues. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Púca-Vogue-Paranormal-Investigations-Ireland-103811927645015/photos/?tab=album&album_id=217384169621123
Facebook & Muckross Abbey
Updated: Feb 6, 2023