Hello Little Puca Vogues, we are getting excited to be heading on our first investigagtion of 2021, after this craziest of years.We are heading to an Irish much loved castle that has delivered results on every visit.We will be doing lone vigials, split group investigations and much much more!!!!!!!!!! This is an authentic Irish Castle and we hope they will be happy to see us back.We will be focusing on the rempod, trigger objects and looking for answers based on previous captures so stay tuned. We will blog Saturday night a quick feel of how things are goung at 2am Irish time Saturday night so stay tuned.And on a seperate note due to social distancing I had the pleasure of setting up a camera in a fantastic historical site now a family home which included the most amazing feature a train station platform as part of the house so that footage is in review and hopefully we will get pemission to share any findings from that but the historial aspect was amazing and privaliged we were to see it.Stay Safe and talk soon everyone!!! hope you join us
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Púca Vogue Paranormal Investigations-Ireland
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