Evening Little Púca Vogue's, Ok its been a while as still under restrictions here in Ireland, but not for much longer as our restrictions are easing. So down to business throwback to New Orleans as we received a few messages asking about New Orleans, we were lucky enough to have stayed randomly at St Vincent's Guesthouse not aware of the history or connection to Ireland but faith always has a way of putting you directly in its path...It was booked for a stay over Mardi Gras randomly but wow did we learn about the history & connection to Ireland. We love historical old buildings with beauty & Character & always hope to cross spirits path along the way. On one of the nights we had arranged with the caretakers to do a mini investigation as The Myrtles plantation was the only investigation planned on the trip while taking in all New Orleans beauty & Fun but nothing compared to this little hidden gem. With limited equipment due to the travels an agreement was made to have our floor clear of people for 1 night so we could have some personal experiences as we had been told all the previous guest stories from a caretaker. And being Irish with the property having such an Irish connection we were delighted. Here is the wiki link to the lady who set up this orphanage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Haughery & Margaret's house is still preserved here in Ireland http://margaretsbirthplace.com/html/history2.html . The feeling is not the norm of this fantastic building in New Orleans it really feels happy, fun & good vibes which is a great thing to feel but any fright is a fright lol..ok down to the nitty gritty, corridor lights off, floor cleared, in the spacious front street facing room with windows blacked out & within minuets it begins with 2 people in the room while other's waited on the balcony for us. First was the icy cold feeling on our skin, after the questions & introductions, the K2 was illuminating the darkness of the room, responding to each question, then the fun vibes very playful were highly being felt by intuition. The energy felt young so we guided the questions respectfully in that manner in keeping with the vibe. the results were as we believe , hearing laughter by high pitch young voices even thou no kids were in the property, asked for the spirit to make them selves know so as I was holding my hand out I believe I physically felt the brush of a hand on my skin, we asked for spirit light & sure enough in the darkness you could see dotting of spirit flickers of white lights momentarily. Next a knock on the interior wall street facing between the two beds, again laughter, for an impromptu short investigation delivering from the onset we believe the personal experience combined of spirit flicking lights, knocks on the wall from upper level non attached walls, friendly laughter, & touch all I could think of was Casper a real playful happy energy as we believe was encountered. The corridor which had stories attached to it and corridor doors for us didn't deliver but the encounter that night, the energy raised by laughter personally believing our experiences I would not trade as our spirit was quiet happy to greet us. I even have the hairs on my hand standing up as I write this as being an investigator for many years now looking back at the night it was so different from any other location & certainly I would return & investigate it further. For any that stay especially in our room they will not be alone & hopefully the corridor will deliver for some one else but that energy apparently is believed to be more of an authority figure. https://www.pucavogueparanormalireland.com/apps/photos/ Till next time little Púca Vogues be safe out there!!!!!
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