So the team & guests all descended on Redwood Castle last Saturday evening, a cold dark evening was indeed on par as we pulled up to the castle in the greying night skies. Next came the tedious set up lol, case after case of equipment all in the hope of capturing & documenting spirit activity for paranormal communication & research. The guests now too arrived & before long the castle was ready to host the night ahead, letting the castle come to life..
Here we were a group ready for the task ahead.
We had with us a Rem pod,K2,Trigger objects of many sizes, types & colours, Dictaphones, sensor camera, instant cameras, cats light up, recording cameras, a set up of 6 cameras with approx. over 50-60 hours of footage. Once we were set up it was time after a chat to get this castle going so we started at the bottom on the entry floor & with each floor we checked each camera & turned out the lights so we were in the darkness. Now the chills could be felt..
The Castle slowly started to come to life, a little slower then usual but we pushed on building the energy. Soon it was alive.. The castle played cat & mouse as with us all in one room, next doors would bang on other floors so loudly you shuddered with no one on those floors,
EVP was heard in the rooms as we investigated & we believe we have captured the same, so the footage will be interesting & and hopefully a reveal for you.
At one point we heard the footsteps walk into the middle of the room inches from us.
Footsteps reoccurred many times especially on the stairs near the chapel & inside the ground floor spiral stairs.
Who was moving around the castle with us, who was banging the doors, who was there ???
Lets hope the footage can answer some questions so until then stay safe..
From all @Púca Vogue
